Marriage vows often mention “two becoming one” but codependency in relationships causes us to lose ourselves, to become more of what the other wants us to be rather than who we are. A diptych with 2 distinct color palettes, united solely by a thread-- my depiction of a healthy partnership of two independent souls.
Acrylic and Textile
36 × 48
Marriage vows often mention “two becoming one” but codependency in relationships causes us to lose ourselves, to become more of what the other wants us to be rather than who we are. A diptych with 2 distinct color palettes, united solely by a thread-- my depiction of a healthy partnership of two independent souls.
Acrylic and Textile
36 × 48
Marriage vows often mention “two becoming one” but codependency in relationships causes us to lose ourselves, to become more of what the other wants us to be rather than who we are. A diptych with 2 distinct color palettes, united solely by a thread-- my depiction of a healthy partnership of two independent souls.
Acrylic and Textile
36 × 48